Call Of Duty: Every Game Ranked From Worst To Best

12. Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Call Of Duty Franchise

If Modern Warfare is the most popular of all of the Call Of Duty sub-series, the third entry in the series is definitely the least popular. It actually represented the point the series started to lose fans, as the lack of originality started to be particularly noticeable.

The solo campaign felt most like a secondary thought (aside from an obligatory attempt to out-No Russian No Russian with the terrorist attack sequence), the visuals were showing their age thanks to the end of the last generation of consoles and the multiplayer maps were mostly forgettable.

For a modern COD game to mostly miss on such key features was almost unforgivable, but there are moments that redeem it, certainly and it is perhaps only less fondly remembered because it came after such great ones.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.