Call of Duty Ghosts: 10 Things To Improve

1. Fix The $&&#;*#$% LAG!


Whew. Okay. Lag, as explained in this nifty little video from the extremely awesome Drift0r, noting why lag exists, and will perpetually exist, due to limitations of technology. However, for those of you too lazy to click the link, or who are just too busy to research it, suffice it to say this: the host of a game has the console that is the "source" of the game. Now, out of twelve players in a full game, everyone has different connection speeds, and geographical locations. The amount of time it takes for each console to communicate player movements or fired bullets to the host console, and thus to you, is dependent on both their connection and geographical location - if you're an American or European and you're gonna play with your online friend from Japan or Brazil, don't expect a perfectly smooth game. However, between lag and the infamous Disc Read Error, these were pretty much the only two flaws in an otherwise excellent multiplayer experience. It also serves to note that with the implementation of Activision's new engine, lag is but one of the problems that will receive significant attention - a new engine does a lot for a game like Call of Duty, and one can only hope that we, the consumers, will easily be able to see the results of Activision's hard work. Unless, of course, we're just given something that's basically Modern Warfare 3 1/2. Then of course, we get what we pay for.

I'm a technologically savvy Sony Gamer born in the epic city of New Orleans, currently pursuing a degree in Mass Communications in South Carolina. When not losing hours of my life with a controller in my hand, I'm probably losing hours of my life typing endless words into a keyboard, my attempt at this thing called "technology journalism". Hi there.