Call of Duty Ghosts: 5 Things It Must Do Better Than Its Recent Predecessors

3. Don't Overpower The Killstreaks!

Call of Duty Ghosts All the craziness with killstreaks began when we were introduced to Modern Warfare 2 and it's only getting crazier the further down the line we go. MW2 showed us the great capacity CoD had for vehicle usage evolution - killstreaks like the Chopper Gunner and the AC-130 were cool additions but they were also too easy to acquire (needing only 11 kills each - including kills acquired from earlier killstreaks). If there's going to be a set of super awesome killstreaks included in Ghosts then the very best ones need to be difficult to acquire. There's nothing worst than a camper - who isn't even that great at the game - getting the very best killstreak by sitting in one building and then unleashing hell on you from above. It ruins the game for everyone on the other team who are actually moving and keeping the game fun and active. Modern Warfare 3 kind of helped this issue by making the Juggernaut suit a difficult 18 killstreak but you could easily get around this by using the Support package instead of the Assault package. I feel that people should feel proud to attain the best killstreaks regularly and they should therefore be a supreme challenge to acquire. The obvious query here, however, is where is the perfect balance? Where does Infinity Ward set the bar for each killstreak to ensure it's a.) a challenge to get and b.) not TOO hard to earn? Hopefully IW will get it right!

I'm Zak and I graduated from the University of Hull in 2014 - where I studied 20th Century History. I love anything about football, especially weird and wonderful stats. I'm in to trying just about any game and enjoy debating about films. My main passion for writing comes from the beautiful game! I encourage debate so please leave any comments you think of! I hope you enjoy the articles.