Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare - 20 Biggest WTF Moments

10. Riah Commits Hara-Kiri

Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare KIT HARINGTON
Infinity Ward

Your pursuit of Riah ends with a rooftop confrontation, where Riah commits ritual suicide by taking a knife and slashing his abdomen, before destroying a transponder that will bring major SDF forces descending upon his location.

Riah's ruthless commitment to his cause, his total lack of hesitation in ending his own life and the awesome acting combine to make this one of the most chillingly effective moments in the entire game, especially as it ends up causing so much turmoil for the remainder.

Also, an extra WTF point because Riah's corpse leaks a clear fluid instead of actual blood when he slumps to the floor. It's either a glitch (though was also present on every single Let's Play of the scene we could find), or was he some sort of advanced super-realistic robot instead? Eerie...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.