Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare - 10 New Details You Need To Know

1. The Plot Will "Make No Russian Look Like Pixar"

Modern Warfare

If there's one thing everyone who's seen Modern Warfare in action agrees on, it's that it's not pretty. Infinity Ward has stated that they've attempted to really capture the horrors of war in their game, and thanks to the brand new engine, they've been able to bring them to life in as stomach-churning detail as possible.

More than just violence and gore however, the subject matter of the narrative is apparently similarly mature, pushing the boundaries of what everyone expects from the regular, hoo-rah heavy COD story. Apparently there are scenes included in the campaign that, as one observer put it, makes the No Russian level from MW2 look like a Pixar movie.

Whether a franchise like COD really has the finesse to tackle such boundary-pushing material is yet to be seen, but it's undoubtedly going to make Modern Warfare a controversial subject regardless.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3