Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare - 10 New Details You Need To Know

2. Specialists Are Not Returning

Modern Warfare

Perhaps unsurprisingly, considering the bulk of the reveal doubled down on the campaign mode following its absence in last year's Black Ops IV, there wasn't a huge spotlight cast on Modern Warfare's multiplayer mode. However, Infinity Ward have gone into detail on what fans can expect, or rather, what they shouldn't expect.

Embracing the style of the older games, Modern Warfare will be a strictly boots-on-the-ground affair. More than that, it's doing away with the concept of Specialists, which were popularised over the past two Treyarch releases. Essentially, these allowed fans to specialise their playstyle, choosing specific characters, each kitted out with their own unique moves and items.

Their inclusion turned COD into more of a hero shooter, however Modern Warfare will be more in-line with the experience found in the first three titles. Specialists are out, and the focus will probably be on the regular, tried and tested create-a-class system.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3