Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare - 10 Ways Multiplayer Is COMPLETELY Different

10. There's No Mini-Map

Modern Warfare

Though it might seem like a tiny change to people on the outside, Infinity Ward taking out the conventional mini-map from Modern Warfare is going to divide the playerbase right down the middle. It's been a staple of the franchise for well over a decade now, and has served to provide vital tactical information for players to utilise.

However, in being so reliant on that feature, it's bred players who pay more attention to those crude dots and lines in the corner of the screen rather than the action right in front of them. Consequently, in an attempt to increase immersion across the board, Infinity Ward have removed the constant presence of the mini-map in all multiplayer modes, forcing players to assess their surroundings and use cues from in the game to get a tactical advantage.

It's not gone completely though, but has rather been replaced with a compass at the top of the screen, and will still appear when a player is awarded with a UAV killstreak. As a result, having a map to consult is going to be premium currency in matches, and make that lower-tier killstreak even more rewarding.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3