Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare - Ranking Every Multiplayer Map Worst To Best

1. Arklov Peak

Modern Warfare

It might sound weird considering it's a different series, but Arklov Peak feels like a classic Black Ops map. The aesthetic echoes some of the best environments in that game, as rushing from hilly exteriors to rundown houses gives it the 'realistic' flow that some of the flatter Modern Warfare maps lack.

This is the kind of level that Call of Duty does so well, a simple series of mini combat areas knitted together into one explosive tapestry. There's no bad egg in there, and no real viable camping spot that can be abused.

The B flag can be annoying to defend if your team fails to back you up, but it's never too frustrating, and worth it when you do get contested battles for domination over the area. Fighting around the central tank, with support from the buildings on either side provides the kind of hectic action Call of Duty maps are born to revel in.


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