Call Of Duty: World War 2 - 10 Iconic COD Features That Must Return

8. Dogs Of War

Call Of Duty Ww2

Seven kills equals attack dogs in World at War. Has there ever been a more loyal friend to help eviscerate your foes?

Not only were they fast moving and quick to kill, but if you saw one racing past you, there was a good chance you could nab the kill and follow in its wake to the next target. Good doggy!

Of course, there was also the companion dog in Call of Duty: Ghosts which functioned as a silent sneaking partner to track and kill enemy soldiers. In multiplayer, the Guard Dog streak brought one dog to the map which followed as an ally to alert the player to enemy positions rather than a handy massacring pack of them.

In WWII itself, dogs were used for finding and clearing mines, be on guard, go on patrol and could even drop in by parachute. Again, there's no word yet but the potential for WWII to become a best-of-everything COD is strong.


Bryan Langley’s first console was the Super Nintendo and he hasn’t stopped using his opposable thumbs since. He is based in Bristol, UK and is still searchin' for them glory days he never had.