Call Of Duty WWII: 9 Reasons Why It Will Save The Franchise

7. It's Back To 'Boots On The Ground' Gameplay

Call of Duty: WWII Zombie

After a brief fling with futuristic technology and Titanfall-esque gameplay, Call of Duty is finally returning to its classic boots-on-the-ground gameplay with WW2.

Relying on pure twitch-shooting reflexes rather than the ability to move around the map at breakneck speeds, Sledgehammer is finally re-embracing the kinetic style of first-person action that players know and love.

Although some critics have viewed this as Call of Duty regressing back to the past and giving up on trying something new, it should be commended that the developers are going back to what made the core COD franchise so addictive and enticing in the first place.

It isn't cowardly to return to the old gameplay style, and if anything it's a testament to the studio's strengths that they can recognise what the series does well and what it doesn't.

Whether this brand of multiplayer shooting still holds up with the likes of Battlefield 1 and Destiny dominating sales is an entirely different question, but if returning to its roots isn't enough to gain back its position at the top of the FPS ladder, at least the franchise will go out doing what it does best.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3