Call Of Duty WWII: 9 Reasons Why It Will Save The Franchise

5. It's Going Back To The Best Zombies Setting

Call of Duty: WWII Zombie

No matter how big or bombastic the Zombies mode in Call of Duty became as the series wore on, it never got better than the original World at War map.

Not only was it simple and easy to jump into, it had one vital element that the other maps didn't have: it was scary. The atmosphere created in that original level was genuinely oppressive, and when the undead began piling through the windows, things quickly got intense.

WW2 isn't quite going back to the accessibility of that iconic first (and best) attempt at the Zombies mode, but it's certainly attempting to recapture the feeling and look that made it so memorable.

The mode has become something of an overused staple of the franchise by now, appearing in more games than just the Black Ops sub-series, but fortunately Sledgehammer look to be bringing the terrifying spark back to its Nazi Zombies when WW2 drops.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3