Call Of Duty WWII: 9 Reasons Why It Will Save The Franchise

4. It's Going To Be A More Mature Take On WW2

Call of Duty: WWII Zombie

World War 2 is well-trodden ground in the Call of Duty series, but while there's been some variance in the ways the developers have looked at the period over the years, very few of them could be considered 'mature'.

The likes of COD 2 treated the war as your standard popcorn action movie, pitting the good guys against the bad guys and leaving no real room for nuance. World at War on the other hand focused on the Pacific Theatre and attempted to show it for all of its bloody, gritty horror. While that game was certainly more adult-orientated in its approach though, it still tackled its subject matter with the subtlety of a bouncing betty grenade.

If the recent story trailer for WW2 is anything to go on however, it looks as though the developers are committed to crafting a tightly focused period piece that tackles difficult aspects of the war that haven't previously been touched upon.

There'll be no single-handedly ending World War 2 here, and instead it's clear that Sledgehammer Games are intent on creating a more personal story moving into their new game.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3