Call Of Duty WWII: 9 Reasons Why It Will Save The Franchise

3. The Multiplayer Doesn't Need To Be Historically Accurate

Call of Duty: WWII Zombie

While Sledgehammer's new game is pitching itself as a realistic take on World War 2 in the campaign, the multiplayer side of things is free to take as many liberties as it needs to make sure that it's fun to play.

Because while everyone loves the idea of going back to old-school weapons and items, players have become far too used to the modern gadgets and playstyles of modern first-person shooters.

Even Battlefield 1, who's entire marketing pitch was based around exploring an era that games have rarely ever visited, still took huge liberties and creative license to make sure it was familiar and fun to play.

Following in that game's footsteps, COD: WW2's multiplayer probably won't be that much different from other releases in the franchise. The game won't be limited by the technology of the time, and it will mean that there'll be enough new to marvel at when the title ships that couldn't just be seen by booting up an old copy of COD 2.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3