Call Of Duty WWII: 9 Reasons Why It Will Save The Franchise

2. Sledgehammer Can Bring A Freshness To The Game

Call of Duty: WWII Zombie

While Treyarch and Infinity Ward, the other two developers working on the COD franchise, have years of experience under their belt, so far Sledgehammer Games only have Advanced Warfare to their name.

Consequently, if anyone was going to breathe new life into the franchise, it would be them. They've already revolutionised the series once by introducing double jumps and jetpacks into their last game, and they're looking to do it again by returning to the setting that made the franchise famous with their upcoming release.

Unlike the other two developers, the new studio has never repeated the same trick twice, completely shaking up their approach to COD every time they've been given the reigns. Hopefully that creativity will extend to more than just the setting, and the developers will continue to push the series into new directions when the latest game releases in November.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3