Casting The Perfect Gears Of War Film

7. Stephen Amell As Damon Baird

Joe Manganiello Marcus Fenix
The Coalition

Love him or hate him, Damon Baird is the team's technological backbone.

A born genius with a tongue sharper than his chainsaw, Baird is begrudgingly aware of how smart he is. Many of the team's gadgets and gizmos come directly out of Baird's back pocket including the lovable bot, Jack.

In Baird's eyes, he's in charge but some convict in a bandana keeps barking orders. While Baird shows little emotional growth throughout the series, it is clear he forms a bond with his comrades despite his coldness towards Marcus.

That smarmy sense of sarcasm and pride is perfect for Stephen Amell. Shown to be just as quick-witted off-screen as he is on-screen, Amell has portrayed a number of quipping characters. The action star shined during his time as Oliver Queen on Arrow as well as his performance as the adrenaline junkie Casie Jones.

Amell's ability to go from comical hero to tackling the serious tones of Arrow's later seasons proves he can tackle Baird's wit and often pessimistic attitude.


Sugar, spice, and an over abundance of Star Wars references, these were the ingredients chosen to make this content creator.