Catherine: Full Body Review
When the player isn’t frantically controlling Vincent up the seemingly never-ending staircase of blocks, they’ll either be hanging around with a bunch of sheep in the mid-level or going for a drink at the Stray Sheep.
Acting as a hub where the player can choose to indulge in a varied number of options which range from drinking, getting to know the locals who wander in, texting or more drinking. Drink enough and you'll learn a thing or two on the beverage of choice. It is these that push time forward and what Vincent decides to indulge in that helps decide his fate.
By hour ten and beyond in just a single playthrough, there is always more to discover in the Stray Sheep, of which some can go untouched for the entire game. Why not change the music at the bar or even test Vincent at Rapunzel or just chat to a stranger in the bar. Don't forget to have a chinwag with Jonny, Toby & Orlando either, they are Vincent's closest friends after all.
If we are being honest, this is the sort of stuff you come to Catherine for, sure the block puzzles are satisfyingly challenging if the difficulty is right, but the characters and the world that Atlus have constructed is the real draw for Catherine Full Body.