Complete History Of WWE Video Games - Part 1 (1987-1995)

9. "WWF Wrestlemania Steel Cage Challenge" (Nes/MasterSytstem/Game Gear) 1992

09 Steel Cage Challenge You may have noticed a pattern by now, and yes Steel Cage Challenge is another in the long line of substandard NES wrestling games. This time however, the misery was spread to other consoles with SEGA getting a port for their Master System and Game Gear consoles. It was however the first console game to feature a steel cage, in which the object was to beat down your opponent long enough for you climb the cage and escape. In a move not uncommon for the time, the Nintendo and SEGA versions were different. Both games featured Bret Hart, Hogan, IRS, Randy Savage, Ted DiBiase and the Undertaker, but each console then got its own exclusive wrestlers. SEGA took Papa Shango, Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels and Tatanka while Nintendo added Jake Roberts, Roddy Piper, Sid Justice and the Mountie. All of this of course was a non issue when you realised that everyone had the exact same moves anyway. But if you preferred to dress up like Tatanka to the Mountie, then I guess your decision was easier. As always, it included digitized versions of the wrestlers themes, which was always fun when it came to hearing how they attempted to recreate the sound of Roddy Piper's bagpipe theme. All the usuals were there. Standard punches and kicks, turnbuckle moves, and a really weird looking run. The steel cage addition was probably a draw at the time, but in reality even that couldn't save the game from becoming another mediocre entry in the series.
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I''m a freelance media producer and writer. Im into sports, gaming, TV and music but I mostly write about wrestling. Thanks for reading!