Complete History Of WWE Video Games - Part 1 (1987-1995)

8. "WWF European Rampage Tour" (Amiga/Atari/Commodore 64/PC) 1992

08 European Rampage As well as featuring on the cover, European Rampage is one of the first games in which you could play as the "Hitman" Bret Hart. Like a few before it, the game is heavily based on tag team wrestling forcing you to create a team of two out of either Bret, Hogan, Warrior or Randy Savage. The career mode would then see you facing off in a tag team tournament against the Nasty Boys, Money Inc and the Natural Disasters before finally getting a Tag Team Title match against LOD. An interesting addition to this game was the variety of weapons you could find at ringside. It took away the idea of a time limit, giving you much more time to actually have fun with the match instead of rushing through a beating and trying to pin the opponent before your five minutes were up. It also featured real clips of the wrestlers entrance music. Gameplay however was again very poor, being made up of the same basic attacks with a few signature moves thrown in. The menus and pre match rituals actually looked pretty good, but in match graphics were uglier than Big Daddy V in his vest top. Sluggish movement and dodgy controls dragged it down further and unsurprisingly made it the last WWF game that would be made for home computers until 2001.
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