Crash Bandicoot: Ranking Every Game From Worst To Best

15. Crash of The Titans

Crash bandicoot
Radical Entertainment

With its existential focus on a jarring game mechanic and a complete switch in gameplay dynamics, Crash of the Titans is a befuddling game, to say the least. What's more bewildering is the plethora of ports this title received (honestly, who thought this game was that special?), more to the point though, COTT is a wreckage of gargantuan proportions, and that's in reference to the alleged "superior" ports.

Adding to his repertoire, alongside the new addition of his archaically cool tribal tattoos to this outdated inundation, the aforementioned gimmick disguised as a gameplay mechanic is the ability of controlling behemoths. Which already should allow you to see the red flags even if wearing rose-tinted glasses for this once great IP.

There's honestly not a lot to be said about the irrevocably ill-conceived character designs, the non-existent plot and the rinse and repeat gameplay. Gameplay so mind-numbingly intolerant that you'll struggle to manoeuvre through the game on auto-pilot.

It isn't quite the worst, nor is it the titanic masterpiece long-time fans had anticipated for so many years, but just like the Titanic, it's fate was sealed the moment it left its distributor. In a world of powerful IP's keeping their head above water, this half-hearted effort was always going to sink and likely stay submerged for the rest of time.


My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: