Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled - 10 Best Tracks

7. Hot Air Skyway

Crash Team Racing Nitro Kart

Hot Air Skyway is quite possibly the hardest track in the game, beginning with a very tight spiral twist that needs you to constantly manage your turning angle. Polar, Pura and the other handling characters can, well, handle it, but they’re going to be slower going across the rest of it.

Likewise, the speed demon characters might be zippy across some of the terrain, but are incredibly difficult to manoeuvre around those initial turns. This track burns the candle at both ends, and it will burn you too if you’re not prepared for it.

If you haven’t mastered the hop technique around tight bends, this track is going to punish you. It’s inspired by the ascent to Cortex’s blimp in Crash Bandicoot 1, and it's just as tough too.

The shortcuts are only for the very best as well. The final and largest shortcut can only be activated if you’re a speed character, you have an Aku Aku/Uka Uka Mask, 10 Wumpa Fruit, and if you time your jump perfectly.

Hot Air Skyway might have been a little higher if it wasn’t so controller breakingly frustrating, especially when going one on one with Pinstripe Potoroo. F@%#ing Pinstripe...


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)