Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled: Ranking Every Character From Worst To Best

13. Penta Penguin

crash team racing

Penta Penguin took the top spot in the list of original Crash Team Racing characters, but in Nitro Fueled his stock has fallen considerably. Back before everyone was online (you know, when we all communicated via drawings on cave walls), Penta was Crash Team Racing’s best kept secret. These days? Not so much...

Penta is only available through a cheat code, and these days it’s fairly easy to find that with a quick Google. It’s hold L1 + R1 and push down, right, triangle, down, left, triangle, up, if you were wondering. The pattern is the same on each console so swap out L1 for LB on the Xbox and et cetera.

He’s still cool to play as, and his little quacks are infectiously cute, but it’s not enough for the top ten. Like Krunk, his stats have been neutered to allow for some balance, but again like Krunk this makes him lose his appeal somewhat.

He’s still a hidden character in the sense that someone just buying the game to check it out won’t know he’s on there, but with most of the fanbase knowing how to get him, it’s just not the same.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)