Cyberpunk 2077 HANDS-ON - 10 Things We Learned

4. Side Missions Have A Lot Of Variety

Cyberpunk 2077

One thing that has the power to make or break RPGs are their side missions. When this extra content amounts to repetitive fetch quests they can come across as little more than uninteresting filler that makes completing them feel more like a chore than anything else.

However, when these missions can build upon the main narrative and offer unique and engaging mini stories, they can elevate the game to another level.

Given how incredible side missions were handled in The Witcher 3, the bar has been set very high for Cyberpunk. And it looks like CDPR have struck gold again.

As explosively fun as the main story looks to be, Marks also points out that the handful of side missions he was able to complete were a lot of fun, too. While noting that some of the smaller encounters were “quick and forgettable”, he’s quick to explain that there's a lot of good here, too.

Whether it’s infiltrating an occupied building, chasing down an AI taxi, or attending a funeral, there looks to be swathes of engaging and genuinely touching stories to experience outside of the main quest.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.