Cyberpunk 2077 HANDS-ON - 10 Things We Learned

3. It Does Have "Rough Edges"

Cyberpunk 2077
CD Projekt RED

Even though Cyberpunk is coming from the development powerhouse that is CD Projekt Red, expecting their latest offering to be perfectly flawless is an unrealistic expectation to have – especially at launch.

Even The Witcher 3, one of the most critically-acclaimed and beloved games in recent years, was far from being perfect at launch. There were plenty of bugs to be found on top of an overcomplicated UI system that made accessing your inventory more trouble than it needed to be. And it looks like Cyberpunk will be a little “rough around the edges” too when it comes to its UI.

In his preview, Marks levies criticism at the way quests are managed.

With no clear way of telling players what their rewards will be on completion alongside a vague “Danger” system to indicate difficulty, it can be hard to know which of your many quests you should try your hand at next.

Likewise, being as hugely ambitious as it is, Marks experienced more than a few bugs, too. However, it should be noted that the build he played was still in development, so it’s likely many of these bugs will be ironed out by launch.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.