D&D: 10 Underused Monsters That Will Destroy Even The Toughest Party
4. Spawn Of Kyuss
A creature that just screams "don't touch me," the Spawn of Kyuss closely resembles a shambling zombie infested with maggots, slowly shambling forward to seal the doom of a hapless adventurer.
However that is where the similarities end. These humanoid undead are not host to maggots, but a series of worms. Regenerating each term to prolong their life, the spawn attempt to claw at living creatures while worms fly off of their bodies. And that's where the trouble starts.
If one of these worms manages to burrow its way beneath the skin of a a character, necrotizing the flesh beneath the surface, as more worms keep digging in, literally eating a player from the inside out. Once inside, only a remove curse spell will kill the worms.
However, if the party is not aware, the worms will continue to burrow and feed. And once a player reaches 0 hit points, there is no unconsciousness; there are no death saving throws. The worms burst forth from the corpse, as the player has now become another one of the spawn.
For players, anything that can spell instant doom for a character is a huge terror. But the potential to return and spread that virulent plague to allies? Now that is the stuff of true nightmares.