Dark Souls: 8 Incredible Moments That Made Us Hardcore Fans

8. The Dreaded Basilisk Trap

There's something irresistibly satisfying about discovering a semi-scripted optional moment in a video game. Knowing that not everyone has had the luck (or misfortune) to stumble across the hidden event is enough to induce a great sense of overwhelming pride. You've experienced something obscure and secluded, perhaps something magical, and the knowledge that many others have missed out on a great moment while you haven't does wonders in creating a memorable event. As is normally the case with open-world games, Dark Souls has an abundance of missable events and moments, ranging from the "how the hell did I miss this the first time? This is awesome!" to the "Oh man, why oh why is this happening to me?" Our number 8 moment resembles the latter. Delving deep into the darkness of the depths, you could find yourself stumbling across a rat, whom in surprising fashion cowers and flees down a narrow passageway. Sword in hand you decide to chase down and slaughter the disease-ridden vermin whose kin have harassed you so much. Prematurely jubilant over your approaching retribution you find yourself, quite surprisingly, falling into darkness. It was a damned trap! Emerging in the sewers below you find yourself being attacked by the now infamous Basilisks (Curse-inducing big-eyed frog things). Confused at the events leading up to your current predicament you stand frozen, and before you know it you've been turned to stone and forever cursed (Until you find the cure that is...). Frustrating a lot of players into quitting the game after failing so miserably, this deceptively simple trap was an amazing device for separating the men from the boys when it came to Dark Souls fanboyism.
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Alex is a screenwriter, playwright, and all around good guy. He loves to keep things concise, most of the time. Follow Alex on Twitter @alexdsut