Dark Souls 2: 10 Improvements That Must Be Made

3. Selling Your Gear

Dark Souls Undead Souls are currency with which you buy spells, items, armour and weapons in Dark Souls. However, you couldn€™t actually sell your unwanted items back to vendors or merchants, and the result of which was that players had to either drop these items or consign them to the bottomless box at a bonfire, never to be used again, which seemed a little like a sloppy oversight. You could give items and titanite fragments to Snuggly the Crow at the Northern Undead Asylum or Kingsseeker Frampt in exchange for other items, so why not have vendors who accept your unwanted loot in exchange for souls? Perhaps this is something that Dark Souls II could incorporate into its trading system, and come inline with most other RPGs in the process.

John Henry is a mild mannered journo by day but an absolute film nut by night. Go on, ask him a film related question...