Dark Souls 2: 10 Improvements That Must Be Made

2. A Return To Dedicated Servers

Dark Souls dropped the dedicated servers that its predecessor Demon€™s Souls used in favour of a peer to peer system, which meant that everyone could play with anyone anywhere at any time. This meant that it was very difficult to players to find the same pool of core people to play with over and over; this might have been From Software€™s intention, but it certainly seemed to annoy quite a few players if a scan through the forums is anything to go by. Imagine being able to find friends rather than random players. Imagine being able to put down a soapstone specifically for them and not having to worry about some random stranger accepting the summon sign before your pals can get to it. Some might argue this is counterproductive to the sense of loneliness and isolation From Software wants you to feel while playing the game, but the idea of being able to play online with your friends is certainly an attractive one. And fans who want to see a return to Demon€™s Souls€™ dedicated servers rather than Dark Souls€™ P2P system will be happy to learn that they are making a return in the sequel. Shibuya is quoted as saying €œSetting up a dedicated server lets you retain your data, making it easier to share it with other players. We'd like to evolve the asynchronous message-oriented online support from the previous game; we're imagining a framework where players are able to directly interact with each other€. A return to dedicated servers could mean a more integral online experience were friends will be able to meet up to help vanquish each other€™s foes. It would be also good to see From Software fix some of the glitches with soapstones in the original game, namely soapstones randomly appearing and disappearing, problems with summoning other players and the occasional lag that presents itself when two or more players meet up in game.

John Henry is a mild mannered journo by day but an absolute film nut by night. Go on, ask him a film related question...