Dark Souls 3: 9 New Features You Need To Know About

2. Torches Play A Role In The Level Design (Finally)

With an increased focus on the Lord of Cinder himself and all his fiery iconography, FromSoft are reportedly trying again with the lighting engine tech that debuted in the early days of DS 2, only for it to be nowhere in the retail build. You wouldn't think torches would (or should) be such a worthwhile point to make, but any who've played through Dark Souls 2 will remember how there were various braziers you could light, all feeling as though they could contribute to a larger puzzle/element of the world that was taken out before release. It's true the game did catch hell for having a retail build with different lighting effects that the pre-release footage, and many fans have since speculated this 'torch tech' was initially going to be a very neat way for your character to restore light to an otherwise dilapidated world. With the light vs. dark nature of the plot present through the lore/characters of 1 and the unused assets of 2, Dark Souls 3 looks to finally be putting it all together.
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