Dark Souls Remastered: 10 Hardest Bosses - Ranked

5. Gwyn, Lord Of Cinder

Ornstein and Smough Dark Souls

He's the final boss of the game, so it's only natural that Gwyn, Lord Of Cinder, is one of the toughest fights in Dark Souls. He deals fire damage and has a bunch of fast slashing combos that can be very hard to dodge, block, or even predict. Like Knight Artorias, he's very good at closing space quickly, meaning it can be hard to heal up.

In fact, if Gwyn does catch you trying to take a swig of your Estus Flask, he'll take advantage of the situation with a lunging strike that can do a ton of damage. He's also able to grab the player and stun them with kicks, making them vulnerable to further attacks.

The best way to beat Gwyn is to be prepared with high fire resistance. Experienced players are able to time their parries just right and can actually counter many of his attacks, but you'll need to be highly skilled to pull this off. You'll need to use all the skills you've learnt over the course of the game to beat this boss.

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