Dark Souls Remastered: 10 Hardest Bosses - Ranked

4. The Four Kings

Ornstein and Smough Dark Souls

Even reaching The Four Kings can be a major challenge as they are found in one of the most difficult areas in the game, guarded by ghosts that can only be beaten with the aid of special items. Once you do reach them, you're in for a real battle.

Incidentally, even though the name of the boss is The Four Kings, it is possible to fight up to eight of them depending on how much damage you do and how long you spend on the fight. They can use almost every attack imaginable, including shockwaves, projectiles, slashes, and grabs. Dealing with one king isn't too bad, but more start to appear over time, making the fight a lot harder.

In addition, this battle takes place in a gigantic empty arena, with no cover and nowhere to hide. Kings can often sneak up behind you, so the key strategy here is to be highly aware of your surroundings and just try to deal as much damage as possible as quickly as you can. You don't want to get overwhelmed, so it's important to focus on eliminating each king one by one.

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