Dark Souls Remastered: 10 Hardest Bosses - Ranked

3. Black Dragon Kalameet

Ornstein and Smough Dark Souls

The third DLC boss on our list, Black Dragon Kalameet is one of the toughest dragon bosses in the entire Dark Souls series. Immune to most status effects and highly resistant to magic and fire, Kalameet is a boss to be feared.

This boss uses lots of different fire breathing attacks that can do enormous damage if they connect. He also has a full tail swipe, some nasty lunging attacks, and even a telekinetic ability that can't be blocked and actually makes you even more susceptible to damage for a short while.

The only way to beat this boss is to be extremely quick on your feet and never stop moving. Like a boxer in the ring, you want to be circling around the dragon at all times and choosing precise moments to attack without getting too greedy. If you stay in one spot or get too close for too long, the dragon will annihilate you, so it's vital to keep dodging and strafing.

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