Dark Souls Remastered: 10 Hardest Bosses - Ranked

2. Manus, Father Of The Abyss

Ornstein and Smough Dark Souls

The final boss of the DLC, Manus is an absolute nightmare to fight. He has the biggest health bar of any boss in the game, along with plenty of immunities and high resistance stats. The only weakness he has is lightning, but actually finding a chance to toss a lightning bolt or hit him with a decent combo can be exceptionally difficult.

Despite his gargantuan size, he's shockingly fast on his feet and can literally run rings around the player, unleashing barrages of swipes and slashes that are simply too strong to block in their entirety. He also unleashes a lot of nasty dark magic spells which can appear both above and below the player and strike from many different angles.

Manus is going to be aggressive and start rushing you down no matter what you do, so the best strategy is to stay relatively close and try to dodge his combos. There are very small moments at the end of these attacks where he's vulnerable to a couple of hits, so you have to dive in and slash a few times before going back to dodging and blocking.

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