Darksiders 3 Review: 5 Ups & 4 Downs

6. Down: Storyline And Plot Structure Feels A Bit Too Familiar

Darksiders 3 Header

While the story has its twists and turns, it does feel somewhat standard (at least within the confines of this series). You travel through a plot that never really strays from the formula much more than it has to, ultimately providing a story that feels authentic to Darksiders, but one that won't stick with you for too long.

A major reason why this is the case is in the series' timeline. Each of the stories so far happens roughly simultaneously with the other, making each Horseman's task of equal importance. Due to this, there aren't any additional stakes and they're each selected to do similarly-structured tasks, just with different names for them. Whether they're the Seven Deadly Sins or another form of evil, they act and function largely the same.

It leads to the stakes almost not feeling so high as you know the Horsemen's failure is the end of civilization, but there never seems to be much of any heightened stakes as the story goes on. Villains come and go, and the Horseman eventually accomplishes their task. Would've been nice to see a far more dramatic change to the story structure as it would've added needed originality.

And now for the good!


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.