Until Dawn: 10 Things That Look Absolutely Terrifying

2. Butterfly Effect Actions

The past decade of gaming has really impressed the importance of choice and responsibility onto players. It€™s no longer only direct actions that lead to direct consequences, but choices made early on in a game can affect your progress or story way down the line. Silent Hill 2 is a great early example of this. There were a number of endings in Silent Hill 2 that depended, at least in part, on unnecessary actions throughout the game. These tiny actions made the decision as to whether your character should be forgiven or punished, and so forced you to think a lot more about what you were doing. Obviously games like Heavy Rain have expanded this idea exponentially, and Until Dawn seems to be trying to take it a step further. According to Supermassive games there are thousands of choice trees leading to hundreds of different endings, so it seems likely that every tiny action will have an equal and opposite reaction which is an absolutely terrifying prospect. The player will have to assess every move, which will create a much more immersive and ultimately horrifying game.
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Until Dawn
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Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.