Until Dawn: 10 Things That Look Absolutely Terrifying

9. The Vastness Of The House

A great slasher always needs a massive house in which anything can happen, and Until Dawn is no exception: watching the playable character search for her friends around the huge lodge is frightening in and of itself because anything could be lurking behind any of those doors. Those who played Gone Home will know that, even when there is literally no danger, walking around a dark abandoned mansion can be very stressful. This kind of anxiety affects perception in a big way (anyone else mistake red hair dye for blood in Gone Home?) Done right, this should create a game with an Alien: Isolation-worthy feeling of dread. If the house is made fully interactive then it will make it much more interesting. Forging your own weapons was excellent for atmosphere in Alien: Isolation and one of the most enjoyable parts of Dead Rising. While the house is enormous, items found in a holiday lodge will be limited so it could be a lot of fun making weapons out of previously mundane household objects.
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Until Dawn
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Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.