Until Dawn: 10 Things That Look Absolutely Terrifying

8. An Utterly Claustrophobic Atmosphere

The claustrophobic atmosphere is something that should be very important to Until Dawn, and is definitely a quality from which they could take pointers from Alien: Isolation again. In Alien: Isolation, having Amanda hold her breath when she€™s hiding from the Alien is a stroke of genius, and it looks like Until Dawn is trying to take this further. When hiding from the killer, a prompt comes on screen telling you to hold your controller completely still to avoid detection. This kind of physical action will definitely increase the feeling of claustrophobia that the game will need. While the lodge and grounds are large, the area that you're in is very remote and covered in heavy snow. This will make the lodge feel more enclosed, especially as you're trying to navigate eight characters around it. The eight characters that you control will feel very different from classic evasive games, as overall strategy is just as important as individual survival to help all eight survive. This limited space, along with jump scares (explored later on), is bound to exaggerate the tension and hopefully make a deeply absorbing and terrifying game.
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Until Dawn
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Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.