Until Dawn: 10 Things That Look Absolutely Terrifying
4. This Killer Clown
Nobody likes a clown: from Twisted Metals Needles Kane to CarnEvil's myriad incarnations, clowns are reliably psychotic and scary as hell, even when their intentions are simple, childish charm. Including the clown fits along the lines of the big pot of horror film clichés which Until Dawn draws quite heavily from. This could go either way. American Horror Story, by its very nature, plays on every cliché in the book to great success (particularly Twisty the Clown, shudder), but whether this will work for a game is a different story. Promo shots from when Until Dawn was to be released on the PS3 show that, in addition to the clown, another possible villain is a fairly evil-looking scarecrow. This opens up the possibility that the bad guy, like the causes of death, will possibly change up according to what youre most frightened of. Until Dawn does seem to be using a lot more film and television devices than gaming devices, and this could definitely be to its merit. Heavy Rain was obviously a huge success for cinematic gaming, and so creating a cinematic slasher game has the potential to be amazing. Using these tropes to their favour, Until Dawn could create a whole new experience for horror game fans, and possibly change the way that horror games are viewed for the next generation of consoles.