Days Gone: 10 Reasons It's One Of The PS4's Best Exclusives

2. The Vehicle Focus Is So Unique

Days Gone

The heart and soul of Days Gone, whether you like it or not, is its love of motorcycles. Deacon's ride is the thing virtually everything is built around, from the opening hours of the story to every single piece of gameplay across the campaign. Fortunately, Sony Bend have absolutely nailed this element, getting not only the feel of the bike right, but also how it interacts with the other systems to compliment the title's tapestry of exploration and survival options.

Driving feels weighty, but elegant enough to never feel like a burden. You really need to get to know this vehicle, learn how it works and adapt to its strengths and weakness if you want to survive as efficiently as possible. That learning curve is actually a main draw of the game, as you come to rely on this vehicle to the point where it essentially becomes a character in its own right.

The wealth of customisation options help as well, giving players the ability to tweak their ride as they see fit, and substantially imbue it with better performance and more horsepower as the game progresses. It's an element entirely unique to Days gone, and it's absolutely worth checking out.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3