Days Gone: 10 Reasons It's One Of The PS4's Best Exclusives

3. The Story Can Be Emotionally Riveting

Days Gone

As mentioned, the story in Days Gone is something of a slow burn, taking its time to introduce all the key players and even offer up a clear narrative focus. When the ball gets rolling though, and the dramatic highs and spectacular set-pieces have all been set up properly, the tale at the heart of it is certainly worth seeing out in full.

The script has a few surprises up its sleeve, and the mysterious backstory of Deek and Boozer's gang is a joy to watch unfold and weave into the modern-day events. The moral dilemmas these characters are faced with are fascinating, and the shade of grey every character is cast in makes them surprisingly difficult to untangle.

Even developments that you can see coming from pretty much the opening cutscene always have an added touch that keeps you invested in the drama. There's a real emotional tenor Days Gone manages to maintain, and while it is rough around the edges, there's the potential here for another God of War or Last of Us-level story to be added to the PlayStation's collection.

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Days Gone
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