Days Gone: 10 Reasons It's One Of The PS4's Best Exclusives

7. An Immaculate Survival Loop

Days Gone

Though Days Gone is ostensibly an action game, its systems and mechanics are very much rooted in survival horror, with the world and enemies themselves being incredibly punishing.

The way your motorcycle constantly has to be maintained and repaired took a lot of criticism for being overly demanding, but it's an essential part of the survival loop, as you're forced to scope out towns or structures that might have resources inside you need, which will usually usher you into a dynamic encounter.

The routine of going off into the world, whether it's to accomplish main missions or simply explore, getting into scrapes and making it back to camp with experience and credits earned functions as a riveting gameplay loop. Surviving in this world is difficult, but everything from the story to the mechanics play into that idea, and it makes for an undeniably immersive experience.

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Days Gone
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3