Days Gone: 10 Reasons It's One Of The PS4's Best Exclusives

6. Its World Is Downright Gorgeous

Days gone

What makes this exploration and survival all the more impactful, however, is the world itself. This post-apocalyptic version of Oregon can be strangely beautiful, and it feels like a real place where people lived before the entire world went to s**t.

There's a great amount of variety to the landscape, with the dense woodland areas giving way to desert plains where you can almost smell the stench coming off the mass graves, to devastated areas destroyed by wildfires or quaint little towns home only to the dead.

A few technical issues stop it from being a proper home-run, but Days Gone is a visual treat that encourages you to pore over the world Sony Bend has created, with the incredible lighting system in particular doing a great job of delivering a dynamic dystopian vista that's unlike anything else in the genre.

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Days Gone
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3