Days Gone: 10 Reasons It's One Of The PS4's Best Exclusives

5. The Mythology Is So Ripe For More Stories

Days Gone

One of the best things about Days Gone's story isn't just the arcs included in this game, but the wider world-building it lays down for expansions or sequels.

As mentioned previously, the Freakers are effectively zombies, but their biology and characteristics are endlessly fascinating. Although they're some of the most repetitive missions, when you're forced to spy on NERO officers investigating the Freaks, you discover interesting tidbits not only about their origins, but how they're going to evolve going forward.

The terrifying implication is that they're only going to get more dangerous, which not only ups the stakes for the sequel, but allows the devs to tinker with Freaker designs to come up with surprising and creative evolutions of each enemy type.

The mythology at the heart of Days Gone is surprisingly expansive, and there's scope to spin it out into an entire universe of stories.

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Days Gone
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