Days Gone 2: 10 Major Questions It Must Answer

2. Will Captain Kouri Return?

Days Gone

One of the best characters in Days Gone is Captain Kouri, one of the few officers in the Deschutes County Militia who isn't a total bastard. Deacon forms a pretty solid bond with the Captain, even as the Colonel continues to vilify the drifter in front of the rest of the militia, and it's made clear that two are working towards the same noble goal.

This relationship culminates with Kouri saving St. John from the clutches of his boss, and taking off with a group of officers who want to continue the whole Militia idea without having a tyrannical nut-job in charge. Deacon comments how he hated serving in the military, but might have had more affection for it if he served under someone like Kouri, and the two part ways.

It would be a shame to not see the character again though, and see him team up with Deacon once more in the future.

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