Days Gone 2: 10 Major Questions It Must Answer

8. What Happened To Lisa?

Days Gone

Lisa has one of the most surprising arcs in Days Gone.

Deacon initially finds her out surviving by herself in a town otherwise overrun with Freakers, shedding his hostile image to help the girl find a real home with other survivors. Initially it looks as though it's going to go down a route similar to Ellie and Joel from The Last of Us, with the two forming a bond in an otherwise unfriendly world, but it's far more tragic than that.

Deacon takes her to Tucker's camp, where Lisa is worked until she can't work anymore, and flees. You're tasked with tracking her down, where you let her go after realising Tucker was probably making her life worse. However, the next time you see her is at the Ripper camp, where she's been taken in, had her head shaved, and been mutilated by the gang. Appealing to her humanity, she helps Deacon destroy the compound and escapes with him, where she takes off to once again go her own way.

The implication is that Lisa is going to return to what she was doing for the two years before meeting Deacon, but so much has happened to her since that it probably won't be so easy to revert back to that lifestyle. Deacon never sees her again, and players are left to guess her fate.

Lisa is one of the best characters in Days Gone, so seeing a resolution to her story in the sequel is a must.

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