Days Gone 2: 10 Major Questions It Must Answer

4. Will Sarah Discover A Cure?

Days Gone

One of the later twists in Days Gone reveals that Deacon's wife, Sarah, isn't on Wizard Island to develop a way to kill the Freakers more efficiently, but actively trying to reverse-engineer a cure. Now, how these monsters could be "cured" is anyone's guess, as it's going to take a good dose of rehabilitation to come back from munching on human flesh and having your body go through countless godawful mutations for over two years straight, but she seems confident that she can do it.

After all, it's revealed that her research in part played a role in birthing the virus in the first place, and after returning to the place where it was created, she gets the materials she needs to start work on a cure. A good chunk of the game is spent following Deacon as he gathers the materials Sarah needs, but the first experiment goes terribly wrong, and the "patient" dies almost instantly.

It's this drive to create a cure that sets into motion the third act, and leads to the two going AWOL, but we don't actually get to see Sarah pursue her research. In fact, it's not even mentioned again, so it's unclear whether or not a real cure is viable, and if that will be the end goal of this franchise.

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