Days Gone: 9 Helpful Gameplay Secrets You Need To Know

2. Check Historical Markers For Freaker Bases

Days Gone

Though there's plenty of interesting things to find out in Days Gone's world, the map screen is surprisingly sparse with icons, which is admittedly for the best. Even when you do populate it by finding maps in bandit camps, there still aren't that many points of interest, and you might not be inclined to seek out the historical monuments as they don't really provide you with any tangible reward.

However, they are worth checking out, as sometimes they'll lead to Freaker nests that need to be cleared. These can be quite difficult, as essentially you're choosing to walk straight into these monsters' home and start a fight, but they do provide some of the best battles in the game, and net you a pretty decent amount of xp for doing so.

If the historical marker leads you to a cave of some kind, then it's guaranteed to have a bunch of Freakers lurking inside, so make sure you have plenty of molotovs, grenades and traps at the ready.

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