Dead Rising 3 Review: 7 Reasons It's The First Must Own Next Generation Title

3. Massive Replayability

Deadrising3 There is much more to Dead Rising 3 than simply finishing the game alongside side quests. Capcom apparently looked towards what acclaimed developers such as Ubisoft are doing with collectables and decided that their franchise could benefit too. More importantly, the developers decided not to just plant random stuff throughout the game world but rather give each type of collectable meaning and worth. To craft weapons in Dead Rising 3, you first need to find the blueprint for that weapon which is scattered somewhere throughout the world. This results in the act of collecting blueprints feeling as addictive as catching every Pokemon. You want more weapons to make and your craving for total chaos cannot be satiated. It actually gets frustrating in a complimentary way when you see a blueprint on your mini-map and cannot figure out how to reach it, as if you€™re leaving something pertinent to the game behind if you progress onward. There are also speakers spreading Government propaganda for you to destroy, although those aren€™t nearly as interesting. They still reward with large chunks of PP though, as do the 75 limited edition Frank West statues peppered throughout the city. Tragic Ending€™s however are a very creative collectable concept for a zombie apocalypse game, and involve you inspecting the deaths of numerous random civilians. It can feel occasionally depressing but there€™s an addiction in uncovering as many as possible. There is also no conceivable way in hell you will max out your character in one playthrough, and since additional modes such as Nightmare exist, you will assuredly want to give it a whirl with your upgraded character. Upgrading Nick in general also makes more sense as you€™re no longer given random attribute upgrades with each level, but rather get to expend points yourself into various skill branches of your choosing. I unfortunately never got an opportunity to mess around with the benefits of linking my game to Smart Glass, but if you have a tablet you can take advantage here and receive some more, albeit minor additional content. All in all, Dead Rising 3 is a game you will realistically get anywhere from 15-20 hours out of on an initial run, but the total package contains roughly over 40 hours of content.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.