Dead Space 3: 5 Reasons It's Awesome, 5 Reasons It Sucks

2. Co-op Dilutes The Experience

As already mentioned, Visceral Games have managed to create a single-player experience that works pretty well on its own, but there's no denying the decision to include a co-op offering has certainly softened the product, such that I would struggle to recommend any fan having their first playthrough with the co-op mode. It's a shame that co-op is such a breeze to blast through - though a few brief sections in which one character must use stasis to perform a task while the other is fending off enemies are pretty cool - because Carver is an interesting character, and those who do only play the single-player offering will miss a lot of the little details (but will have a "richer" experience in my opinion). Of course, you're thrown more enemies and so on, but it's all compensated for by the fact that you have another (probably adept) person at your side, making the already unchallenging campaign even easier in co-op. It's best thought of as a garnish in my opinion; it's fun for the social aspect, but will I find myself returning to co-op time and time again? Absolutely not.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]