Death Stranding: 21 WTF Moments You Need To See To Believe

4. Twist! Amelie Is The REAL Villain (Kinda)

Death Stranding Amelie
Kojima Productions

Though it wasn't hugely surprising given that the game flat-out refers to her as an Extinction Entity long before the ending, Amelie is ultimately revealed to be Death Stranding's kinda-sorta ultimate antagonist.

It turns out that Higgs was being used as a pawn by her to hasten the onset of a sixth Death Stranding which would annihilate the United States, even if she eventually grew to second-guess her decision.

As such, she gives Sam a choice at the end of the game, to either end the world quickly with the Final Stranding or postpone it and allow humanity a chance to endure (despite Amelie claiming the Stranding is inevitable).

Sam opts for the latter, ending the game on a relatively hopeful note for humanity's future, even while Amelie, for her sins, is left stranded alone on her own Beach.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.