Death Stranding: 21 WTF Moments You Need To See To Believe

17. Fragile's Fan Service Scene

Death Stranding Higgs Fragile.jpg
Kojima Productions

Though Kojima massively tones down the sexist fan service in this game compared to the cringe-worthy Quiet debacle in Metal Gear Solid V, there is one single scene which is sure to prompt eyerolls from many.

A flashback sequence shows Fragile discovering that Higgs is a terrorist, after which she's stripped down to her underwear and forced to run through the timefall while carrying a nuke in order to save the city.

Though the scene lasts just a few minutes, and you can argue that having Fragile's skin exposed is important for allowing the timefall to prematurely age her, Kojima's leering framing has an undeniable air of ickiness to it, lingering on Fragile's curvaceous features in the most male gaze-y way possible.

Thankfully it's just a brief diversion and nowhere near as bad as MGSV's offputtingly horny approach to Quiet, but still a bit embarrassing.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.